Web Application Configuration |

HTTP configuration follows the Servlet 2.2 deployment descriptors.
The nesting order is important, but order is generally not important.
In the sections that follow, the section
header tells where the attribute belongs. For example, an attribute in
caucho.com/http-server/host belongs in a host element which
belongs in an http-server element which belongs in the
caucho.com element.
The application configuration can be placed in WEB-INF/web.xml
If web.xml exists, Resin will use it to configure the application.
Servlet configuration interacts with the
application configuration. In particular, servlet-mapping tells Resin
how to map urls to servlets.
Specifies the access logging. See
the host access-log for more details.
By default, uses the host access-log.
Allows administration from the web-app. allow-admin must be
specified in the resin.conf for security. In other words, a
.war file can't enable admin in its web.xml.
Default: false
Allows JSP EL expressions in <init-param> for servlets, filters,
and the <context-param>.
<init-param greeting="Hello, ${host.url}"/>
Specifies the directory of the application. If
unspecified, the application will have the same path as the id. When
the web-app is specified with a url-regexp,
app-dir can use replacement variables ($2).
When specified by id, the application will be initialized
on server start. When specified by url-regexp, the application will
be initialized at the first request. This means that load-on-startup
servlets may start later than expected for url-regexp applications.
Attribute | Meaning | Default
id | The url prefix selecting this application. | n/a
url-regexp | A regexp to select this application. | n/a
app-dir | The root document directory for the application (can use
regexp replacement variables.) | Same as id or the regexp match
The following example creates a web-app for /apache
using the Apache htdocs directory to serve pages.
<host id=''>
<web-app id='/apache' app-dir='/usr/local/apache/htdocs'>
The following example sets the root application to the IIS
root directory. The host and web-app will use the http-server app-dir
as a default.
<http-server app-dir='c:\inetpub\wwwroot'>
In the following, each user gets her own independent
application using ~user. (Note, since mod_caucho and IIS don't understand
regexps, so you may need to manually configure the web server.)
<host id=''>
<web-app url-regexp='/~([^/]*)'
By default, uses the subdiretory under the host app-dir with the
application's name.
Browser-specific configuration. Used to deal with
broken browsers.
Attribute | Meaning
regexp | Regular expression to match the User-Agent
force10 | If set, force HTTP/1.0
No default browser-mappings are defined.
Specifies Expires times for cacheable pages.
Uncacheable pages, e.g. pages with sessions, are not affected.
Attribute | Meaning
url-pattern | A pattern matching the url:
/foo/*, /foo, or *.foo
url-regexp | A regular expression matching the url
expires | A time interval.
The time interval defaults to seconds, but will allow other
Suffix | Meaning
s | seconds
m | minutes
h | hours
d | days
<web-app id='/'>
<cache-mapping url-pattern='/*'
<cache-mapping url-pattern='*.gif'
There is no default value.
Specifies whether servlet-mapping and filter-mapping is treated
as case-sensitive or case-insensitive.
Default: false on Windows, true on Unix.
Defines a Servlet filter to transform the output of another
servlet based on mime-type. By default, the content type
x-application/xsl executes com.caucho.jsp.XslFilter.
For example, a servlet could call
setContentType("x-application/xsl") to format its XML results
using XSL.
Attribute | Description
mime-type | The mime-type to match
servlet-name | The servlet name to execute
Filter XML by an XSL processor
<chain-mapping mime-type='x-application/xsl'
Note: Versions before Resin 1.2.2 use filter-mapping instead
of chain-mapping. This has been changed to avoid conflicts with
the Servlet 2.3 spec
By default, Resin maps the x-application/xsl to com.caucho.jsp.XslFilter.
Adds to the application-specific classpath. The classpath
can also automatically compile java classes when the source
attribute is specified.
Note: Each classpath directive must only contain a single class
directory. In other words, you need two classpaths to
specify "foo.jar:bar.jar".
Attribute | Description | Default
id | Single class directory or jar | required
library-dir | To be used as a jar directory like WEB-INF/lib | false
source | Optional java source directory | same as id
compile | Enable automatic compilation | true
encoding | When compiling, what character encoding to use | javac default
args | When compiling, additional args to javac | none
For example, to automatically compile classes in the
WEB-INF/classes directory:
Compile classes in WEB-INF/classes
<classpath id='WEB-INF/classes'
To compile classes into the WEB-INF/classes directory with the
source in a home work directory:
<classpath id='WEB-INF/classes'
<classpath id='/home/test/library/classes'/>
By default, WEB-INF/classes is compiled and WEB-INF/lib contains jars.
Interval in seconds between checking for servlet updates.
For development, this can be set to 0 or to a small number to pick up
new servlet versions quickly. For deployment, class-update-interval
can be large to avoid the overhead of checking for updates.
The default value is 2 seconds.
Specifies the default character encoding for form parameters.
<web-app id='/' character-encoding='shift_jis'>
The default value is ISO-8859-1.
Interval in seconds between checking for configuration updates.
For development, this can be set to 0 or to a small number to pick up
new configuration file versions quickly.
For deployment, config-update-interval can be large to avoid
the overhead of checking for updates.
The default value is the value of class-update-interval.
Initializes application variables. context-param
defines initial values for application.getInitParameter("foo").
The full servlet 2.2 syntax is supported and allows a simple shortcut
<web-app id='/'>
<context-param foo='bar'/>
Specifies the maximum length for the session's generated cookie.
Only special situations like WAP devices should use this option.
Reducing this value reduces the randomness in the cookie and increases the
chance of session collisions.
Defaults to generate the maximum length of the cookie
(64 random bits = 12 characters.)
Specifies the servlet to use to display directories. To
disable directory listing, set this to 'none'.
<web-app id='/'>
The default is com.caucho.server.http.DirectoryServlet.
Instantiates a EJB client bean. Normally, EJB clients
use jndi-link instead. There are
EJB configuration examples for some vendors.
Attribute> | Meaning
ejb-ref-name | JNDI path attribute to store the bean
ejb-ref-type | EJB class type
ejb-ref-factory | Factory for creating an EJB client bean
(Resin 1.2)
init-param | Parameter for the factory (Resin 1.2)
JNDI parameter configuration. env-entry binds JNDI
variables, similar to either:
init-param or
context param. env-entry is
useful for configuring non-servlet-aware classes, like EJBs.
Attribute | Meaning
env-entry-name | JNDI path attribute to store the variable. The path is relative to java:comp/env.
env-entry-type | Java type of the variable
env-entry-value | The variable value.
Example resin.conf fragment
Example test.jsp
<%@ page import="javax.naming.*" %>
Context env = (Context) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env");
Double dValue = (Double) env.lookup("max-price");
double price = dValue.doubleValue();
Specifies the file for error logging. See
the host error-log for more details.
The default uses the containing host's error log.
A page to display if the current request fails. The web
server plugins use a special case
of error-page to handle connection failures.
Attribute | Description
location | The error page to display
exception-type | Select the error page based on a Java exception
error-code | Select the error page based on an HTTP status code
Catching File Not Found
<web-app id='/'>
<error-page error-code='404'
Catching Exceptions
<web-app id='/foo'>
<error-page exception-type='java.lang.NullPointerException'
The following is a special case for the mod_caucho or isapi_srun
plugin to redirect to another page if it can't connect to srun.
Unlike the other two forms, this must be in http-server web-app as
below. It can't be in a specific web-app.
Special can't connect to srun
<error-page exception-type='connection'
By default, Resin returns a 500 Servlet Error and a stack trace for
exceptions and a simple 404 File Not Found for error pages.
If true, listeners are called before the session is invalidated.
According to the Servlet spec, the session is invalidated before
listeners are called. This means the listeners can't call
getAttribute methods. For many applications, the spec behavior
is not useful.
Default: false
Configure sessions to use a JDBC backing store. The database must be
specified using the resource-ref configuration. The database store
will automatically create a table to store the sessions.
data-source | data source name for the table
table-name | database table for the session data
blob-type | database type for a blob
timestamp-type | database type for a blob
session-timeout | cleanup time
Example configuration
Example table created by session
CREATE TABLE session (
data BLOB,
mod_time TIMESTAMP,
By default, Resin does not use JDBC persistent sessions.
Links a foreign JNDI context to the Resin JNDI context.
For example, you can use jndi-link to link in client EJBs from
a foreign EJB container.
Attribute | Description.
jndi-name | JNDI path attribute to bind the link
property-file | jndi.property to use to obtain the Context.
jndi-factory | Class name of an InitialContextFactory used to
create the bean.
init-param | Properties to be used to get the initial
jndi-lookup | JNDI path for the foreign context.
Linking a WebLogic EJB client bean
<init-param java.naming.provider.url="t3://localhost:7001"/>
By default, Resin does not add any special JNDI links.
JSP configuration.
attribute | meaning | default
auto-compile | if false, changes in .jsp will not
disable-init-log | if true, disables logging of the jsp init and destroy | false
jsp-update-interval | How often JSP files should be checked for changes (since Resin 2.1.1) | class-update-interval
jsp-max | limit the number of active JSP pages | 1024
precompile | use precompiled JSP classes if available. | true
require-source | check to see if the *.jsp file has been deleted | false
recompile-on-error | If the JSP page throws a java.lang.Error, recompile it. (since Resin 1.2.3) | false
recycle-tags | recycles tags following the JSP 1.2 (since Resin 2.0.2) | true
session | If "false", disable sessions by default. | true
static-encoding | allow JSP to precompile character encoding. | true
force auto-compile. | true
velocity | allows Velocity-style syntax (since Resin 2.0.3) | false
Marks the web-app as lazily initialized. Normally,
web-apps are loaded when Resin starts and the load-on-init servlets are run.
With lazy-init, the web-app will only be started on the first request.
Configures user authentication. See
auth config for more details.
Attribute | Meaning
auth-method | Authentication method
form-login-config | Configuration for form login
authenticator | Select authenticator class
security-constraint | Select the files to protect.
By default, Resin does not authenticate.
Maps url patterns to mime-types.
Attribute | Meaning
extension | url extension
mime-type | the mime-type
<web-app id='/'>
<mime-mapping extension='.foo'
Resin has a long list of default mime types in com.caucho.server.http.Application.
Enables multipart-mime for forms and file uploads. multipart-mime
is disabled by default.
For an uploaded file with a form name of foo, the parameter
value contains the path name to a temporary file containing the uploaded
file. foo.filename contains the uploaded filename, and
foo.content-type contains the content-type of the uploaded file.
Attribute | Meaning | Default
enable | if set false, this disables multipart-form processing. | true
upload-max | maximum size of an upload request (default in kb). | no limit
units | bytes
128 | 128 bytes
128b | 128 bytes
128k | 128 kilobytes
128m | 128 megabytes
128g | 128 gigabytes
If the upload is larger than the limit or if multipart-form processing
is disabled, Resin will not parse the request and will set an error message
in the "caucho.multipart.form.error" request attribute. (Resin 2.0.2)
By default, multipart-form is disabled.
Times to execute the servlet automatically.
The run-at value in the servlet configuration configures a servlet to be
run at certain times of the day.
The value of the run-at is a list of hours or minutes the servlet
should be run at. To run the servlet at 3am and at 2:25pm, use:
Run test.Alarm at 3am and 2:25pm
<servlet servlet-name='foo' servlet-class='test.Alarm'>
<run-at>3:00 14:25</run-at>
To run the servlet at 5 minutes past the hour and at 45 minutes past the
our use ":05 :45".
You can also assign a period to the run-at, instead of specifying
specific times. This can be useful if the period is something short like
every 5 minutes:
Run test.Alarm every 5 minutes
<servlet servlet-name='foo' servlet-class='test.Alarm'>
<run-at period='5m'/>
Maps url patterns to servlets. servlet-mapping has two
children, url-pattern and servlet-name.
selects the urls which should execute the servlet.
servlet-name can either specify a servlet class directly or it
can specify a servlet alias defined by servlet.
The special servlet-name invoker is used to dispatch
servlets by class name. For example, /servlets/test.HelloServlet.
attribute | meaning | default
url-pattern | A pattern matching the url:
/foo/*, /foo, or *.foo | n/a
url-regexp | A regular expression matching the url | n/a
servlet-name | The servlet name (can use replacement vars
like $1) | n/a
path-info | Path info rewriting string (can use replacement
vars like $1) | The standard path-info
servlet-class | The servlet's class | uses servlet-name
init-param | Initialization parameters | n/a
load-on-startup | Initializes the servlet when the server starts. | none
run-at | Times to execute the servlet automatically | none
case-sensitive | If true, the match is case-sensitive | true on Unix and false on Windows
<web-app id='/'>
<servlet servlet-name='hello'
<servlet-mapping url-pattern='/hello.html'
<servlet-mapping url-pattern='/servlet/*'
<servlet-mapping url-pattern='*.xtp'
The plugins use servlet-mapping to decide which URLs to send to Resin.
The following servlet-name value are special:
plugin_match | The plugin will send the request to Resin, but
Resin will ignore the entry. Use to get around regexp limitations. (Resin 1.2.2)
plugin_ignore | The plugin will ignore the request. Use this
to define a sub-url the web server should handle, not Resin. (Resin 1.2.2)
Defines a servlet alias for later mapping. More details are in the
servlet configuration section.
Attribute | Meaning
servlet-name | The servlet's name (alias)
servlet-class | The servlet's class (defaults to servlet-name)
init-param | Initialization parameters
load-on-startup | Initializes the servlet when the server starts.
run-at | Times to execute the servlet automatically (Resin 1.1)
init | Allows bean-style configuration. See the servlet page (Resin 2.1.3).
The following example defines a servlet alias 'hello'
<web-app id='/'>
<servlet-mapping url-pattern='/hello.html'
<servlet servlet-name='hello'
<init-param title='Hello, World'/>
<servlet servlet-name='cron'
Contains session configuration parameters.
Attribute | Meaning | Default
session-timeout | The session timeout in minutes | 30 minutes
session-max | Maximum active sessions | 4096
enable-cookies | Enable cookies for sessions (resin 1.1) | true
enable-url-rewriting | Enable URL rewriting for sessions (resin 1.1) | true
cookie-version | Version of the cookie spec for sessions (resin 1.2) | 1.0
cookie-domain | Domain for session cookies (resin 1.2) | none
cookie-max-age | Max age for persistent session cookies (resin 2.0) | none
cookie-length | Maximum length of the cookie. (resin 2.1.1) | Integer.MAX_VALUE
file-store | Persistent sessions using a file store (resin 1.2) | none
jdbc-store | Persistent sessions using a JDBC store (resin 1.2) | none
tcp-store | Persistent sessions using a distributed ring (resin 1.2) | none
always-load-session | Reload data from the store on every request (resin 1.2) | false
always-save-session | Save session data to the store on every request (resin 1.2) | false
save-on-shutdown | Only save session when the application shuts down. (resin 1.2.3) | false
reuse-session-id | Reuse the session id even if the session has timed out. (resin 2.0.4) | true
ignore-serialization-errors | When persisting a session, ignore any values which don't implement java.io.Serializable | false
invalidate-after-listener | Call listeners before the session is invalid | false
By default, both enable-cookies and
enable-url-rewriting are true. To force url rewriting, you
would create a configuration like:
<web-app id='/'>
Sets the session timeout in minutes. Sessions idle for
longer than session-timeout are purged.
session-timeout must be contained in a
session-config tag.
<web-app id='/dir'>
<session-config session-timeout='120'/>
Defaults to 30 minutes.
Sets the maximum number of active sessions. Sessions are
stored in an LRU cache. When the cache fills, the oldest sessions are
session-max must be contained in a
session-config tag.
<web-app id='/dir'>
<session-timeout id=120/>
<session-max id=4096/>
Defaults to 4096.
Configures a JSP 1.1 tag library. See the tlb configuration for details.
Attribute | Description
taglib-uri | Matching uri for the tag library
taglib-location | Location for the tab library definition file.
The location is relative to the class path. In the following example,
MyTag.tld should be in WEB-INF/classes/MyTag.tld.
<taglib taglib-uri='/mytag/test'
The JSP file will use the tag library as follows:
<%@ taglib prefix='x' uri='/mytag/test' %>
By default, looks up all WEB-INF/*.tld and META-INF/*.tld.
Configure sessions to use a TCP-ring backing store. All the
<srun> servers are arranged in a ring based on their order in the
resin.conf. The tcp-store will store the session based on that
ring order.
Example Symmetrical configuration
<http id='a' port='80'/>
<srun id='a' host='host-a' port='6802'/>
<http id='b' port='80'/>
<srun id='b' host='host-b' port='6802'/>
<host id=''>
<web-app id=''>
The above example assumes the two hosts use an external load-balancer, like
a router load-balancer.
See distributed sessions for more details.
Disabled by default.
Application temp directory. This is the path used in
Default: Defaults to WEB-INF/tmp.
Matches a set of URLs for servlet-mapping.
Pattern | Description
/foo/bar.html | Matches exactly the /foo/bar.html URL.
/foo/* | Matches /foo and any children
*.foo | Matches any URL with a .foo extension
/ | Replaces the default servlet.
/ defines a default handler and /* defines a prefix handler.
/* will override extension handlers like *.foo. /
will only be used if no other pattern matches.
No default. Either url-pattern or url-regexp is required.
Database pooling configuration. resource-ref puts
the DataSource in a JNDI context and also in the ServletContext.
Each web-app can configure its own database pool. Resin can also
share a common pool by putting the resource-ref outside the http-server.
More details are in the database config
The driver can be in WEB-INF/lib or WEB-INF/classes, although it's
a better idea to put it in the global classpath or resin-2.0.x/lib.
Attribute | Meaning
res-ref-name | JNDI path attribute to store the pool. The path is relative to java:comp/env.
res-type | javax.sql.DataSource or javax.sql.XADataSource for database pools
init-param | initialization parameters (Resin 1.2)
init-class | Class containing init params (Map or Hashtable) (Resin 1.2.4)
bean-name | optional bean class to be used as a resource (Resin 1.2)
init-param sets bean properties of the data source.
You can look at the com.caucho.sql.DBPool JavaDoc for its interface.
Unknown parameters are used to set the driver properties. So you can
set any driver-specific property in the init-param.
DBPool Init Parameters
Attribute | Meaning | Default
driver-name | JDBC driver class | required
url | JDBC url for the database | required
user | Database user | ""
password | Database password | ""
max-connections | Maximum number of allowed connections | 20
max-idle-time | Maximum time an idle connection is kept in
the pool | 30 sec
connection-wait-time | How long to wait for an idle connection (Resin 1.2.3) | 10 minutes
max-overflow-connections | How many "overflow" connection are allowed if the connection wait times out. | 0
ping-table | The database table used to "ping", checking that
the connection is still live. | false
ping-on-reuse | Test for live connections before allocating
them from the pool. | false
ping-on-free | Test for live connections before replacing
them in the pool. | false
ping-on-idle | Periodically test connections in the pool | false
any other | calls DBPool.setProperty() to set driver properties. | none
Here's a sample minimal resin.conf fragment to bind a DBPool-based
database to the JNDI path "java:comp/env/jdbc/test".
Sample resin.conf fragment
<init-param driver-name="org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver"/>
<init-param url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test"/>
The following is a sample design pattern for getting new database
connections. The try ... finally block is very important for
making database connections reliable.
Sample test.jsp to use database connections
<%@ page import='javax.sql.*, javax.naming.*, java.sql.*' %>
Context env = (Context) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env");
DataSource source = (DataSource) env.lookup("jdbc/test");
Connection conn = source.getConnection();
try {
} finally {
Maps url patterns to real paths. If using a server like
IIS, you may need to match the server's path aliases.
Attribute | Meaning
url-pattern | A pattern matching the url:
/foo/*, /foo, or *.foo
url-regexp | A regular expression matching the url
real-path | The prefix of the real path. When used with url-regexp, allows substitution variables like $1.
<web-app id='/'>
<path-mapping url-pattern='/resin/*'
<path-mapping url-regexp='/~([^/]*)'
Requires that the web-app be only accessed from a secure
connection, e.g. SSL.
Configures the location for System.err for the current web-app.
The stdout-log may be put in the <host> or <http-server> context
to apply to all web-apps within that context.
<stdout-log href='$app-dir/WEB-INF/logs/stdout.log'/>
attribute | meaning
href | The location of the file. Path variables may be used.
rollover-period | How often the log should be rotated.
rollover-size | The maximum size of the log before rotation.
timestamp | Timestamp before each line (Resin 2.0.3)
encoding | Character encoding
Configures the location for System.out for the current web-app.
The stdout-log may be put in the <host> or <http-server> context
to apply to all web-apps within that context.
<stdout-log href='$app-dir/WEB-INF/logs/stdout.log'/>
attribute | meaning
href | The location of the file. Path variables may be used.
rollover-period | How often the log should be rotated.
rollover-size | The maximum size of the log before rotation.
timestamp | Timestamp before each line (Resin 2.0.3)
Forces servlet-mapping to follow strict Servlet 2.2, disallowing
Default: Defaults to false, allowing /foo/bar.jsp/foo.
Sets the files to use as index.jsp pages.
According to the spec, each file is in a <welcome-file> element.
<web-app id='/'>
Resin also provides a shortcut where you can just list the files:
<web-app id='/'>
<welcome-file-list>index.jsp, index.xtp, home.xtp</welcome-file-list>
Default: Defaults to index.xtp, index.jsp, index.html.
Lets applications specify the web.xml file.
Default: Defaults to web.xml.
Application work directory. This is the directory used for
generated code like JSP, XSL and EJB classes.
Default: Defaults to WEB-INF/work.
Copyright © 1998-2002 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Resin® is a registered trademark,
and HardCoretm and Quercustm are trademarks of Caucho Technology, Inc. |  |