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- Java Naming and Directory Service. JNDI is a hierarchical
directory of resources available to all Java classes. Essentially,
JNDI is a structured global configuration system, separating
resource use in application code from resource configuration in
configuration files. Resources like database DataSources, JMS queues,
and EJB home stubs are configured with JNDI.
- The directory containing the Resin binaries and classes. In the default
configuration, RESIN_HOME will be the same as SERVER_ROOT, i.e. the
document directories and log files are based on RESIN_HOME. A typical
location for RESIN_HOME might be /usr/local/resin.
- The directory containing the user's documents and log files. By default,
SERVER_ROOT is the same as RESIN_HOME, but sophisticated users will create
a separate directory from the Resin binaries. A typical location
for SERVER_ROOT might be /usr/local/webroot.
- .war file
- A .war file is a packaged Servlet application. It's just a
renamed .jar file of the web-app directory tree. Resin provides a special
webapps directory which will automatically expand .war files, configured
by the <war-dir> attribute in the resin.conf's host configuration.
- web-app
- A web application treated as a mini-virtual-host. The web-app is
defined as all children URLs a context path,
e.g. all URLs with /foo as the prefix. Each web-app has its own
class loader, JNDI resources, and web.xml to configure the web-app.
web-apps are often configured using .war files and the webapps
directory configured by <war-dir>.
- The directory containing the web-apps classes, jars and
configuration files.
Copyright © 1998-2002 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Resin® is a registered trademark,
and HardCoretm and Quercustm are trademarks of Caucho Technology, Inc. |  |