|  |

XTP pages can use the counter just by adding the tag:
A counter example: <ct:counter id='test'/>
Here the patterns to do it. For efficiency, we've added the
cache directive. The cache directive tells XTP to execute the
stylesheet only once and cache the generated JSP file.
<#@ cache #>
counter[@id] <<
counter <<
<%= application.attribute.counter++ %>
- ct:get prints the value of a variable
- ct:if generates an if statement
- ct:iter loops
definition of ct:get
ct:get <<
<%= <{@expr}> %>
definition of ct:if
ct:if <<
<% if (<{@expr}>) { %>
<% } %>
definition of ct:iter
ct:iter[@index] <<
<% for (var <{@index}> in <{@expr}>) { %>
<% } %>
ct:iter <<
<% for (var i in <{@expr}>) { %>
<% } %>
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