|  |

On Win32, Resin tries to find Java in the following
- The command-line argument, -java_home
- The environment variable JAVA_HOME
- The registry, using JavaSoft's CurrentVersion of the JDK.
- Following the PATH of the java executable.
To find out which Java version Caucho JSP is using, use the
'-version' argument on the command line:
resin1.1> bin/httpd -version
The error message might be something like:
"Syntax error on line 785 of
Cannot load c:\resin1.1\srun\win32-1.3.6\mod_caucho.dll into server:"
This will happen if the dll is incompatible with the Apache version.
Send us a message and we'll make sure you get the right compiled version.
This appears to be a problem with Apache for some versions of Unix.
Apache's apxs script is missing loader commands. You'll have to
modify the apxs script (in /usr/local/apache/bin/apxs) to look
something like:
my $CFG_LD_SHLIB = 'ld';
my $CFG_LDFLAGS_SHLIB = '-Bshareable';
The particular error message is something like:
Cannot connect to servlet runner at localhost:6802
The servlet runner process needs to be started. In resin1.1/bin
the srun executable will start the servlet runner.
The srun executable will start Java and wait for connections from the
web server.
The web server (IIS or Apache) and the servlet runner (srun), need to find the
web pages. The resin.conf file configures srun. You need to add a
'app-dir' property, to tell srun where to look for the root directory.
<http-server app-dir='d:\InetPub\wwwroot'>
<servlet-mapping url-pattern='*.jsp'
If you're running Resin with IIS or Apache, the web server might not
know how to handle *.jsp files. On Apache, the httpd.conf needs to
add Resin. On IIS, the IIS configuration needs to dispatch *.jsp
files to srun_iis.dll.
Both may need restarting to see the changes.
To test if this is the problem, stop the srun executable. If you
browse http://localhost/test.jsp, you should get the 'Cannot connect
to servlet runner' message.
Resin can write debugging information to standard output or to any
file. To add debugging information add a log directive to the
resin.conf file.
<log id='/' href='stderr:'/>
href can be any path. stderr: is perhaps the most useful.
id can select which portions of Resin to get logging
information. Here are some useful patterns:
/ | Debug everything
/caucho.com/jsp | Debug jsp
/caucho.com/jsp/java | See the JSP generated Java
/caucho.com/jsp/js | See the JSP generated Java
/caucho.com/xsl | XSL debugging
| See thread creation and deletion
| HTTP related information
Resin has a delay for testing updated servlets and JSP pages.
The configuration variable for both is 'class-update-interval' in
resin.conf. It's an application-level variable. The default is 15
seconds. So Resin will only check every 15 seconds for an updated
page. You can set this value to 0 for development work.
<http-config class-update-interval='0'>
If you want Resin to check servlets for updates every hour, your
resin.conf might look like:
<http-config class-update-interval='3600'>
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/javac/Main
The JRE does not contain a Java compiler. You either need to get
the JDK or use another compiler. To configure another compiler use:
<java compiler='/usr/local/bin/jikes'/>
For debugging, it is crucial to get proper line numbers.
Unfortunately, Java JITs (just-in-time compilers) remove the line
For development we recomment you turn jit compiling off. On unix,
start the server as:
This is only supported in Resin 1.1.b1 and later. You can disable
cookies in the resin.conf with a configuration like
By default, Resin removes the generated .java files from a .jsp.
To keep the files, you need to add a special logging statement.
(Don't worry, it won't generate any output.)
<log id='/caucho.com/jsp/source' href='stderr:'/>
This is especially important if you want to use a different
workspace for development than deployment. Just call the
httpd or srun executable with the -conf flag.
unix> httpd.sh start -conf devel.conf -verbose
d:\> httpd.exe -conf devel.conf -verbose
Copyright © 1998-2002 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Resin® is a registered trademark,
and HardCoretm and Quercustm are trademarks of Caucho Technology, Inc. |  |