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The Caucho projects section now has an OpenTool jar for Resin at
To install the tool, put the resin-jbuilder.jar in the JBuilder lib/ext
directory, for example, c:\JBuilder6\lib\ext. Then you can change the
server using the Project/Project Properties/Server table.
Kellan Elliott-McCrea writes:
This works w/ JBuilder 3.5, I assume it will work with 4. FYI: I've
noticed a definite slow down when doing this.
- Go To Project Properties - required libraries
- Remove the JSWDK 1.0 stuff from the required libraries, you don't need it
any more
- Click "Add..." then Click "New..."
- fill out a name for resin, I would naming it Resin 1.2.1 (or whatever
version you are running)
- Click "Add..."
- Browse to your resin directory and add all the jar files under the lib
- Click "OK" to select then "OK" again
- Go to the "Run" tab in properties
- Click "Set"
- Find the class com.caucho.server.http.HttpServer
- Click "OK" to close set window and "OK" to accept properties
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