|  |

The GzipFilter compresses the output of pages for browsers which
understand compression.
<filter-mapping url-pattern='/*'
use-vary | Uses the standard Vary header for Accept-Encoding | true
no-cache | Sets the Cache-Control: no-cache header | false
The TransactionFilter wraps the request in a UserTransaction and
commits the transaction when the servlet completes.
<filter-mapping url-pattern='/DatabaseServlet/*'
The ExpiresFilter sets the Expires cache control header, allowing
the servlet output to be cached for a short time.
Caching stock quotes for 60 seconds
<filter-mapping servlet-name='StockQuoteServlet'
<init-param cache-time="60s"/>
The AnonymousExpiresFilter caches output for anonymous, i.e.
non-logged in users. When a page has custom formatting for
logged in users, it may still want to cache the results for
non-logged in users saving time and database access.
Caching all anonymouse users *.jsp pages for 15 minutes
<filter-mapping url-pattern='*.jsp'
<init-param cache-time="15m"/>
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