|  |

<!-- Resin DBPool for the JdbcAuthenticator -->
<init-param driver-name="org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver"/>
<init-param url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test"/>
<login-config auth-method='form'>
<!-- Resin-specific JdbcAuthenticator -->
<authenticator id='com.caucho.http.security.JdbcAuthenticator'>
SELECT password FROM LOGIN WHERE username=?
Selects the authentication method.
basic | HTTP Basic authentication
form | Form-based authentication
Configures authentication for forms. The login form has
specific parameters that the servlet engine's login form processing
understands. If the login succeeds, the user will see the original
page. If it fails, she will see the error page.
form-login-page | The page to be used to prompt the user login | none
form-error-page | The error page for unsuccessful login | none
internal-forward | Use an internal redirect on success or a sendRedirect | false
form-uri-priority | If true, the form's j_uri will override a stored URI | false
The form itself must have the action j_security_check. It
must also have the parameters j_username and j_password.
Optionally, it can also have j_uri and
j_use_cookie_auth. j_uri gives the next page to display
when login succeeds. j_use_cookie_auth allows Resin to send a
persistent cookie to the user to make following login easier.
j_use_cookie_auth gives control to the user whether to generate
a persistent cookie. It lets you implement the "remember me" button. By
default, the authentication only lasts for a single session.
j_security_check | The form's mandatory action
j_username | The user name
j_password | The password
j_uri | Optional Resin extension for the successful display page.
j_use_cookie_auth | Optional Resin extension to allow cookie login.
The following is an example of a servlet-standard login page:
<form action='j_security_check' method='POST'>
<tr><td>User:<td><input name='j_username'>
<tr><td>Password:<td><input name='j_password'>
<tr><td colspan=2>hint: the password is 'quidditch'
<tr><td><input type=submit>
Specifies a class to authenticate users. This Resin-specific
option lets you control your authentication. You can either create your
own custom authenticator, or use Resin's JdbcAuthenticator.
The authenticator is responsible for taking the username and
password and returning a UserPrincipal if the username and password match.
Users wanting to implement an authenticator should look at the JavaDoc
for ServletAuthenticator
and AbstractAuthenticator.
To protect your application from API changes, you should extend
AbstractAuthenticator rather than implementing Authenticator directly.
The JdbcAuthenticator (com.caucho.http.security.JdbcAuthenticator),
asks a backend database for the password matching the user's name.
It uses the DataSource specified by the pool-name option, or
the JNDI java:comp/env/jdbc/db-pool by default.
pool-name refers to a DataSource configured with
The following are the attributes for the JdbcAuthenticator:
pool-name | The database pool. Looks in the application
attributes first, then in the global database pools.
password-query | A SQL query to get the user's password. The
default query is given below.
cookie-auth-query | A SQL query to authenticate the user by a
persistent cookie.
cookie-auth-update | A SQL update to match
a persistent cookie to a user.
role-query | A SQL query to determine the user's role. By
default, all users are in role "user", but no others.
password-digest | Specifies the digest algorithm and format (Resin 2.0.4)
<!-- Resin-specific JdbcAuthenticator -->
<authenticator id='com.caucho.http.security.JdbcAuthenticator'>
SELECT password FROM LOGIN WHERE username=?
SELECT username FROM LOGIN WHERE cookie=?
UPDATE LOGIN SET cookie=? WHERE username=?
Resin 2.0.4 adds the capability to store the digest of
a password instead of the password itself. By using the password digest,
the application can avoid storing the password in a form that someone
can read.
Setting password-digest of any authenticator
extending AbstractAuthenticator will create a digest of the password.
The password-digest has two parts: the digest algorithm
and the encoding format. "MD5-base64" is a typical digest format.
The authenticator will create a digest of the username and password.
Since that digest is a byte array, it is then converted to a string.
Using password-digest with XmlAuthenticator
<init-param password-digest='MD5-base64'/>
<init-param user='harry:Syvian7bcPDKI261QvH9Cw:user'/>
Of course, storing the digest password take a bit more work. When
the user registers, the application needs to compute the
digest to store it. You can use the PasswordDigest class to do that.
import com.caucho.http.security.PasswordDigest;
PasswordDigest digest = new PasswordDigest();
String password = digest.getDigestPassword("harry", "quidditch");
Selects protected areas of the web site. Sites using
authentication as an optional personalization feature will typically
not use any security constraints.
Security constraints can also be custom classes.
<auth-constraint role-name='user'>
security-constraint/web-resource-collection | |
Specifies a collection os areas of the web site.
url-pattern | url patterns describing the resource
method | HTTP methods to be restricted.
security-constraint/auth-constraint | |
Requires that authenticated users fill the specified role.
In Resin's JdbcAuthenticator, normal users are in the "user" role.
Think of a role as a group of users.
role-name | Roles which are allowed to access the resource.
security-constraint/user-data-constraint | |
Restricts access to secure transports, i.e. SSL
transport-guarantee | Required transport properties. NONE,
INTEGRAL, and CONFIDENTIAL are allowed values.
Copyright © 1998-2002 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Resin® is a registered trademark,
and HardCoretm and Quercustm are trademarks of Caucho Technology, Inc. |  |