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The web server plugins (mod_caucho, isapi_srun, and nsapi) have
two main tasks:
- Select urls to dispatch to the Java process
- Pass the request and retrieve the response from the Java process.
Note: I'll be using "mod_caucho" to mean all the plugins. All of the plugins
work the same, so "mod_caucho" is just a shorthand for "mod_caucho,
isapi_srun, and nsapi".
In most cases, mod_caucho will just use resin.conf as expected.
This tutorial should help understand what's going for the
more complicated cases.
The servlet-mapping
tag selects the URLs to send to Resin.
<host> and
<web-app> group the
servlet-mapping tags. mod_caucho ignores all other tags in the resin.conf.
(mod_caucho does understand
resin:include and how to
find web.xml, but that's part of the parsing, not part of the dispatch logic.)
When reading the resin.conf, mod_caucho uses only the following tags:
- <host> to select virtual hosts. The id attribute names the host.
- <web-app> to select applications. The id attribute selects a URL prefix.
- <servlet-mapping> to select URLs. The url-pattern attribute selects URLs.
servlet-mapping's url-pattern
selects the URLs to pass to Resin. servlet-mapping and url-pattern
are part of the Servlet 2.2 standard, so there are many references explaining
how it works.
url-pattern can take one of four forms:
- "/" matches all URLs. Use this to pass all requests to Resin.
- "/prefix/url/*" matches any URL starting with /prefix/url,
including prefix/url itself. It does not match /prefix/urlfoo
because any slash must immediately follow url
- "/exact/path" matches only the exact path. In other words, it
will not match /exact/path/bogus.
- "*.ext" matches any URL with the extension ext. Resin
allows path-infos, so /foo/bar.ext/path/info will also match.
Note: mod_caucho does not understand regular expressions. This is a
limitation in Resin 1.2 that will likely be fixed in Resin 1.3. If you
put regular expressions in your resin.conf, mod_caucho will not send
the request to Resin. Apache will handle the request itself.
If you want to use regular expressions in servlet-mapping, web-app, or
hosts, you must use Apache-specific configuration to send the request
to Resin. You can see this by looking at /caucho-status. /caucho-status
will not display any regular expressions.
Note: The special servlet-mappings are only available in the
Resin 1.2.s001215 snapshot or later.
There are two special servlet-names which only affect the plugins:
plugin_match and plugin_ignore.
plugin_match will direct a request to Resin.
The servlet engine itself
will ignore the plugin_match directive. You can use plugin_match to
direct an entire subtree to Resin, e.g. to workaround the
regexp limitation, but allow Resin's other servlet-mapping directives
to control which servlets are used.
plugin_ignore keeps the request at on the web server. So you
could create a directory /static where all documents, including JSPs are
served by the web server.
<!-- send everything under /resin to Resin -->
<servlet-mapping url-pattern='/resin/*'
<!-- keep everything under /static at the web server -->
<servlet-mapping url-pattern='/static/*'
web-apps collect servlets and
JSP files into separate applications. All the servlet-mappings in a
web-app apply only to the URL suffix.
In the following example, every URL starting with /prefix/url maps to
the web-app. The servlet-mapping only applies to URLs matching the prefix.
<web-app id='/prefix/url'>
<servlet-mapping url-pattern='*.foo' .../>
In the exaple, mod_caucho will match any URL matching /prefix/url/*.foo.
/prefix/url/bar.foo will match, but /test/bar.foo will not match.
Note: Resin standalone allows a regexp attribute instead of an
id. Because mod_caucho does not understand regexps, it will ignore any
web-app with a regexp attribute.
Note: web.xml files and war files are treated exactly the same as web-apps
in the resin.conf.
host blocks configure
virtual hosts. There's a bit of
extra work for virtual hosts that we'll ignore here. (Basically, you
need to add Apache ServletName directives so Resin knows the name
of the virtual host.)
For dispatching, a host block gathers a set of web-apps. Each host
will match a different set of URLs, depending on the web-app configuration.
The default host matches any host not matched by a specific rule.
As usual, /caucho-status will show the URLs matched for each host.
Note: mod_caucho does not understand the host regexp attribute.
It will ignore all hosts using regexp. To get around this, you can
either configure Apache directly (see below), or configure the default host
with the same set of servlet-mappings. Since mod_caucho will use the
default host if no others match, it will send the right requests to
The special URL /caucho-status is invaluable in debugging
Resin configurations. /caucho-status displays all the resin.conf
patterns, so you can easily scan it to see which URLs mod_caucho is sending
to Resin and which ones are handled by Apache.
You can configure Apache directly, instead of letting mod_caucho dispatch
from the resin.conf file. If you use this method, you need to make
sure you match the Apache configuration with the Resin configuration.
Note: This technique uses Apache-specific features, so it's not
directly applicable to IIS or iPlanet.
Apache's Location and SetHandler directives send requests
to Resin. The mod_caucho handler is caucho-request.
LoadModule caucho_module libexec/mod_caucho.so
AddModule mod_caucho.c
CauchoHost localhost 6802
AddHandler caucho-request jsp
<Location /servlet/*>
SetHandler caucho-request
Because Apache's SetHandler is external to mod_caucho,
/caucho-status will not show any SetHandler dispatching.
Copyright © 1998-2002 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Resin® is a registered trademark,
and HardCoretm and Quercustm are trademarks of Caucho Technology, Inc. |  |