How to get debugging information |
Resin can write debugging information to standard output or to any
file. To add debugging information add a log directive to the
resin.conf file.
<log id='/' href='stderr:'/>
href can be any path. stderr: is perhaps the most useful.
id can select which portions of Resin to get logging
information. Here are some useful patterns:
/ | Debug everything
/caucho.com/jsp | Debug jsp
/caucho.com/jsp/java | See the JSP generated Java
/caucho.com/jsp/js | See the JSP generated Java
/caucho.com/xsl | XSL debugging
| See thread creation and deletion
| HTTP related information
Exceptions don't have line numbers |
For debugging, it is crucial to get proper line numbers.
Unfortunately, Java JITs (just-in-time compilers) remove the line
For development we recommend you turn jit compiling off. Start
the server with the JIT compiler turned off. On Unix you can use:
How do I keep the generated .java files? |
The generated .java files are put in <work-dir>. By
default, that's /tmp/caucho on Unix and \temp\caucho on
How do I run Resin with a debugger? |
Eric Hansen writes:
A lot of people have been asking about a suitable debugging environment for
resin. I have been using JPadPro with the updated version of jdb. (I found
that the jdb.exe that ships with the JDKs 1.2.2 do not like all
the classloading that happens in a servlet engine.)
Instead, try using the JavaTM Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA)
Just unzip the executables, dlls, and docs files in some directory. I chose
c:\jdb. My project class files are in: c:\local, my resin1.1 files are in:
c:\resin1.1, and jdk1.2.2 files are in c:\jdk1.2.2.
To start up the debugger issue the following command (you may need
additional classfiles in the classpath, etc.):
C:\jdb\bin\jdb.exe -classpath
C:\local" com.caucho.server.http.HttpServer -conf
> run
You can access the webserver at: http://localhost/ or
http://localhost:8080/, etc. depending on the port number you picked. You
should be able to issue the usual jdb commands. Check the list of commands
by doing: help or ? at the jdb> prompt.
I use jdb with JPadPro (http://www.modelworks.com). It has some built-in
scripts to work with jdb. It is tailored to work with the jdb that ships
with the JDK, which has a slightly different response syntax from the JPDA
version of jdb. Since all of JPadPro's commands are written in JavaScript,
you can easily modify the commands to parse the different command/response
syntax in JPDA. Or you could even modify the jdb code to have it issue
similar commands, since JPDA ships with source code for jdb. However, it's
probably easiest to modify the JavaScript. (Check in
Tools/Java/JDK/Debugger/*, including onBreakPointHit, setBreakPoint.) I
modified setBreakPoint, for example, to look like this:
function BreakpointResult(data, breakpoint)
var index = data.indexOf("Breakpoint set");
var index2 = data.indexOf("Set breakpoint request");
if ((index == -1) && (index2 == -1))
breakpoint.active = false;
"Setting breakpoint to inactive - breakpoint is " +
"not positioned on a valid line");
This is because the old version of jdb issued the syntax: "Breakpoint
set...", and the new one issues the command "Set breakpoint request...".
You get the picture.
A similar formula should bear fruit for Visual Cafe, although they have
their own proprietary debugger.
Hope that's useful.
I've got a cryptic ServletException. How do I get the full trace? |
Eric Hansen writes:
Have you ever received a cryptic Exception message like this in your error logging due to an error in a JSP page: ???
at com.caucho.jsp.QPageContext.handlePageException(QPageContext.java:371)
at work.ProgramOverview__jsp._jspService(ProgramOverview__jsp.java:115)
at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.subservice(JavaPage.java, Compiled Code)
at com.caucho.jsp.Page.service(Page.java, Compiled Code)
at com.caucho.jsp.QServlet.service(QServlet.java, Compiled Code)
at com.caucho.server.http.AbstractRequest.service(AbstractRequest.java, Compiled Code)
at com.caucho.server.http.VirtualHost.service(VirtualHost.java, Compiled Code)
at com.caucho.server.http.QRequestDispatcher.forward(QRequestDispatcher.java, Compiled Code)
at com.caucho.server.http.QRequestDispatcher.forward(QRequestDispatcher.java, Compiled Code)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:646)
at com.caucho.server.http.AbstractRequest.service(AbstractRequest.java, Compiled Code)
at com.caucho.server.http.VirtualHost.service(VirtualHost.java, Compiled Code)
at com.caucho.server.http.Request.dispatch(Request.java, Compiled Code)
at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleRequest(HttpRequest.java, Compiled Code)
at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleConnection(HttpRequest.java, Compiled Code)
at com.caucho.server.TcpConnection.run(TcpConnection.java, Compiled Code)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:479)
You need to change your catch routine. There is a method in ServletException called getRootCause(). This allows the developer of the servlet engine/JSP engine to embed a
regular Exception inside a ServletException, which gets carried along for the ride.
catch(Exception e)
if(e instanceof javax.servlet.ServletException)
Throwable et;
et = ((javax.servlet.ServletException)e).getRootCause();
if(et!=null&&et instanceof Exception)
logMessage(((Exception)et),"ROOT EXCEPTION",-1);
(logMessage is some logging routine you write to do logging... Could also be System.err.println...)
I was finding it quite difficult to debug JSP pages because I couldn't see what the underlying Exception was, just the ServletException which gets thrown from the JSP. The
above modification (or something similar) exposes it. I figure other people might have the same problem.
Hope that helps,
Java's thread dumps are a vital tool for server debugging. Because
servlets are intrinsically multithreaded, it's very possible to create
deadlocks without realizing it, or to have runaway threads that
consume resources and cause OutOfMemory exceptions. That's
especially true when you start adding third-party software like
databases, EJB, and Corba ORBs.
Thread dump by sending a signal
On Windows, ctrl-break may produce a thread dump.
On Unix, "kill -QUIT" will produce a thread dump. On the Linux IBM JDKs,
you'll need to signal one of the child processes. On the Linux Sun JDK, you'll
need to kill the grandparent process of most of the threads:
unix> ps -ef | grep java
ferg 14243 10792 0 Jan13 pts/0 00:00:00 sh -c /usr/java/bin/java
ferg 14244 14243 0 Jan13 pts/0 00:00:00 java -Dres
ferg 14253 14244 0 Jan13 pts/0 00:00:01 java -Dres
ferg 14254 14253 0 Jan13 pts/0 00:00:00 java -Dres
ferg 14255 14253 0 Jan13 pts/0 00:00:00 java -Dres
ferg 14256 14253 0 Jan13 pts/0 00:00:00 java -Dres
ferg 14257 14253 0 Jan13 pts/0 00:00:00 java -Dres
ferg 14258 14253 0 Jan13 pts/0 00:00:00 java -Dres
unix> kill -QUIT 14244
The Solaris 1.3 JDK has a single process, so it's easy.
The Solaris 1.2 JDK has an extra quirk. You need to run Resin in the
foreground (i.e. not using "start".) Then you'll need to answer some
questions on the console.
Thread dump if signalling doesn't work
You get a thread dump without signalling the process by starting the JVM
with some extra arguments to allow a debugger to attach. You can then attach
with the debugger at any time to get a thread dump. This
technique works on all operating systems.
Here are some step by step instructions:
- Start Resin with some extra arguments that allow a debugger to attach:
$RESIN_HOME/bin/httpd -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5432
- Wait until you believe the application is in a state of deadlock
or has runaway threads.
- In another terminal (window), use jdb to connect to the running instance of Resin:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/jdb -connect com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach:hostname=localhost,port=5432
jdb will show something like:
Set uncaught java.lang.Throwable
Set deferred uncaught java.lang.Throwable
Initializing jdb ...
- Use the "suspend" command and then the "where all" command to get
a thread dump:
> suspend
All threads suspended.
> where all
[1] java.lang.Object.wait (native method)
[2] com.caucho.server.TcpServer.accept (TcpServer.java:650)
[3] com.caucho.server.TcpConnection.accept
[4] com.caucho.server.TcpConnection.run (TcpConnection.java:131)
[5] java.lang.Thread.run (Thread.java:536)
[1] java.lang.Object.wait (native method)
[2] com.caucho.server.TcpServer.accept (TcpServer.java:650)
[3] com.caucho.server.TcpConnection.accept
[4] com.caucho.server.TcpConnection.run (TcpConnection.java:131)
[5] java.lang.Thread.run (Thread.java:536)
- Use the "resume" command to resume the process
Unix users (and Cygwin users on Windows) will recognize the
opportunity to make a script:
echo -e "suspend\nwhere all\nresume\nquit" | $JAVA_HOME/bin/jdb -connect \
Although no rigorous benchmarking has been done, there appears to
be little overhead or performance penalties involved in having the JVM
start with the options that allow a debugger to attach.
Understanding the thread dump
In any case, you'll eventually get a trace that looks something like the following (each JDK is slightly different):
Full thread dump:
"tcpConnection-8080-2" daemon waiting on monitor [0xbddff000..0xbddff8c4]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at com.caucho.server.TcpServer.accept(TcpServer.java:525)
at com.caucho.server.TcpConnection.accept(TcpConnection.java:190)
at com.caucho.server.TcpConnection.run(TcpConnection.java:136)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
"tcpConnection-8080-1" daemon waiting on monitor [0xbdfff000..0xbdfff8c4]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at com.caucho.server.TcpServer.accept(TcpServer.java:525)
at com.caucho.server.TcpConnection.accept(TcpConnection.java:190)
at com.caucho.server.TcpConnection.run(TcpConnection.java:136)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
"tcpConnection-8080-0" daemon waiting on monitor [0xbe1ff000..0xbe1ff8c4]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at com.caucho.server.TcpServer.accept(TcpServer.java:525)
at com.caucho.server.TcpConnection.accept(TcpConnection.java:190)
at com.caucho.server.TcpConnection.run(TcpConnection.java:136)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
"tcp-accept-8080" runnable [0xbe7ff000..0xbe7ff8c4]
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketAccept(Native Method)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.accept(PlainSocketImpl.java:413)
at java.net.ServerSocket.implAccept(ServerSocket.java:243)
at java.net.ServerSocket.accept(ServerSocket.java:222)
at com.caucho.server.TcpServer.run(TcpServer.java:415)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
"resin-cron" daemon waiting on monitor [0xbe9ff000..0xbe9ff8c4]
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at com.caucho.util.Cron$CronThread.run(Cron.java:195)
"resin-alarm" daemon waiting on monitor [0xbebff000..0xbebff8c4]
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at com.caucho.util.Alarm$AlarmThread.run(Alarm.java:268)
"Signal Dispatcher" runnable [0..0]
"Finalizer" daemon waiting on monitor [0xbf3ff000..0xbf3ff8c4]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:108)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:123)
at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:162)
"Reference Handler" daemon waiting on monitor [0xbf5ff000..0xbf5ff8c4]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:420)
at java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler.run(Reference.java:110)
"main" waiting on monitor [0xbfffd000..0xbfffd210]
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
at com.caucho.server.http.ResinServer.waitForExit(ResinServer.java:674)
at com.caucho.server.http.ResinServer.main(ResinServer.java:821)
at com.caucho.server.http.HttpServer.main(HttpServer.java:95)
Each thread is named. Here are some of the common names:
Thread Name | Description
tcp-accept-8080 | Resin thread listening for new connections
on port 8080.
tcpConnection-8080-3 | Resin servlet thread handling
a connection from port 8080.
tcp-cron | Resin's run-at thread
tcp-alarm | Resin's alarm thread
There should be one tcp-accept-xxx thread for each <http> and
<srun> that Resin's listening for. The tcp-accept-xxx thread should
almost always be in socketAccept.
There should be several tcpConnection-xxx-n threads. Each of these
is the servlet thread. On a busy server, these can appear anywhere in
your code. If several appear in one location, you've likely got some sort
of deadlock or at least a slow lock. Idle threads are either in tcpAccept or
httpRequest or runnerRequest (for keepalive threads.)
For deadlocks, you'll want to look at the "waiting on monitor" threads
and any case where lots of threads are stuck at the same location.
What you really need to do is get a good CPU and heap profile.
The JDK 1.2 has a simple one (but not very
user-friendly), so you don't absolutely need to buy a profiler.
It's a standard java argument, so "java -Xrunhprof:help" will tell you how to start it. For example, you could
start Resin (unix or windows) as
> httpd.sh -J-Xrunhprof:heap=sites,cpu=samples
(On Unix, Resin's startup script has a -cpuprof-ascii argument that sets it for you automatically.)
Run a load against it for a decent amount of time (you can even use something like Apache's "ab" for 10
minutes), and then stop the server nicely. i.e. you can't just kill it with ctrl-C, but you need to make it do a
clean exit.
That will dump a java.hprof.txt. Skip to the bottom to get the trace.
java.hprof.txt heap
Assuming you're being cheap, and using the JDK's heap profiling instead of
buying a profiler, you'll need a bit of help interpreting it.
The following is an example of a heap dump running Resin. Here's what you
might see skipping down to the "SITES BEGIN" section. (I did mention this is
the cheap way of doing things.) As with most profiling, you only want
to pay attention to the top 20. Everything else is in the noise. Ignore it.
SITES BEGIN (ordered by live bytes) Tue Jan 9 17:44:33 2001
percent live alloc'ed stack class
rank self accum bytes objs bytes objs trace name
1 11.87% 11.87% 983520 120 1393320 170 2553 [B
2 9.89% 21.76% 819600 100 1286772 157 4070 [B
3 9.09% 30.85% 753756 23 3539376 108 4970 [L<Unknown>;
4 5.83% 36.68% 483564 59 778620 95 7180 [B
5 5.74% 42.42% 475368 58 745836 91 7178 [B
6 4.35% 46.77% 360624 44 696660 85 7182 [B
7 2.97% 49.74% 245880 30 450780 55 7176 [B
8 2.37% 52.11% 196704 24 352428 43 7254 [B
9 1.88% 53.99% 155724 19 262272 32 7174 [B
10 1.78% 55.77% 147528 18 245880 30 7137 [B
11 1.53% 57.30% 126988 1063 16973092 129113 3271 [C
12 1.34% 58.64% 110684 3953 20362832 727244 1213 sun/io/CharToByteISO8859_1
13 1.25% 59.88% 103320 738 141820 1013 5942 java/lang/Class
14 1.21% 61.10% 100548 49 221616 108 5003 [L<Unknown>;
15 1.21% 62.31% 100548 49 221616 108 5005 [L<Unknown>;
16 1.07% 63.38% 89080 1532 18393580 317347 1340 [B
17 0.79% 64.18% 65568 8 81960 10 8408 [B
18 0.79% 64.97% 65552 4 65552 4 27630 [C
19 0.70% 65.67% 58232 24 1110128 386 5038 [C
20 0.68% 66.35% 56200 450 116816 980 7186 [C
There are two things to look for. First, if any one class starts
chewing up a large number in the "live objs" column, you'll need to
take a look. That might be a memory leak.
Second, if some class has a huge number in the "alloc'ed objs" column,
you may be wasting lots of garbage collection time that could be easily
solved with some caching.
The [C in the class name means a character array.
To see what that really means, you'll need to look at the stack
trace (3271):
TRACE 3271:
That's part of Resin's VFS code. Maybe in the future it'll make sense
to try to reduce that.
You can get a longer trace using the "-prof-depth 10" argument to Resin.
(Or the corresponding depth in -Xrunhprof.) That will often give more
java.hprof.txt CPU
The CPU profiling is a little easier to read. On some JDK's you'll need to
run it with the JIT disabled.
CPU SAMPLES BEGIN (total = 424614) Tue Jan 9 17:44:33 2001
rank self accum count trace method
1 21.36% 21.36% 90704 7266 com/caucho/server/http/VirtualHost.logAccess
2 10.84% 32.20% 46041 7269 java/net/SocketInputStream.socketRead
3 5.99% 38.19% 25428 1213 java/lang/Class.newInstance0
4 5.11% 43.31% 21715 7896 com/caucho/util/CharBuffer.toString
5 4.82% 48.13% 20463 1286 sun/io/CharToByteISO8859_1.convert
6 3.54% 51.66% 15018 1242 sun/io/CharToByteConverter.<init>
7 2.68% 54.35% 11388 7241 java/io/PrintWriter.<init>
8 2.47% 56.82% 10508 7748 com/caucho/server/http/Request.fillCookies
9 2.27% 59.09% 9650 1214 sun/io/ByteToCharConverter.<init>
10 1.85% 60.94% 7857 5097 java/lang/String.<init>
11 1.59% 62.53% 6754 1341 java/lang/String.substring
12 1.57% 64.10% 6650 1340 java/lang/String.getBytes
13 0.92% 65.02% 3907 7897 java/lang/String.<init>
14 0.76% 65.78% 3227 3259 com/caucho/vfs/FilePath.fsWalk
15 0.75% 66.53% 3195 7895 com/caucho/server/http/Request.fillCookie
16 0.71% 67.25% 3031 7321 java/lang/String.getBytes
17 0.71% 67.95% 2996 3270 com/caucho/util/CharBuffer.close
18 0.68% 68.63% 2892 3271 java/lang/String.<init>
19 0.66% 69.29% 2782 7318 com/caucho/vfs/FilePath.openWriteImpl
20 0.61% 69.90% 2604 7320 java/io/FileOutputStream.<init>
You should only pay attention to the top 20 or so. You'll
probably need to ignore a few of the top 10, because they're just waiting
for a user response. The SocketInputStream.socketRead is an example.
You can use the trace number to get a call trace:
TRACE 7266:
Copyright © 1998-2002 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Resin® is a registered trademark,
and HardCoretm and Quercustm are trademarks of Caucho Technology, Inc. |  |